Day by Day cartoon

Monday, April 13, 2009

Woman watches thieves over webcam- Utah technology makes it possible

Well I saw the story last week of the woman that installed a webcam in her home after being burglarized, who then was able to alert the police as she watched another set of burglars enter her home. But I held off linking to the story because it took place in Boynton Beach Florida, and I figured another blogger that I know, who also lives in the same town, might report on the story. But so far, that blogger, that I might be related to, has failed to share the story.

Now I see that the technology that the woman purchased and installed came from Logitech WiLife, right here in Utah.

So congrats to the Florida woman for taking a positive action to protect her home from the bad guys, tough luck to the dumbass bad guys, and thanks to the folks at Logitech WiLife for making and marketing the tolls that made it all possible.

UPDATE: That fellow blogger, (and my Dad), notes that the bad guys are already out on bail. Too bad about that!

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